Replica Rolex DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial

Replica Rolex DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial

In 1956, the DayDate watch launched by Rolex set a historical achievement at that time. The DayDate watch replica is the first watch in the world that can display both the date and the week on the watch. Although functionality is not the most complicated Rolex imitation, it still becomes one of the best watches in the Rolex series. The Rolex DayDate watch has always been a classic and beautiful watch, but today we are going to introduce a more unique watch in the DayDate series: Rolex Replica DayDate 118346.

Perfect Replica Rolex Case

Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial
Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial

36mm is a size suitable for most people. Although this is a lady replica watch, it is also suitable for some delicate boys. The design of the case is clean and tidy. There is only one crown on the side of the fake Rolex. Therefore, the appearance is simple. The bezel on the case is different from the previous fake Rolex DayDate watches. The bezel of this watch is studded with diamonds. Although this is a replica Rolex watch, the diamonds inlaid on the watch bezel are also finely processed. The diamonds have been selected carefully. Therefore, the size, shape, and color of the diamond imitations mounted on the watch are the same. We can see the success and excellence of this replica Rolex watch by the details.

Rolex Replica Special Dial

Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial
Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial

The dial is the most special existence of a watch. Moreover, the dial design of this watch is also very different. The scale of the dial is a simple Arabic numeral scale, but the scale is green. The center area of the dial is also green. The design of this color can show the clarity and naturalness of the watch. The circumference of the dial is full of diamond imitations. These inlaid diamonds and the diamonds on the bezel echo each other, embodying the luxury of the watch incisively and vividly. The color of the diamond is similar to the color of the case, and the scale on the dial is also green. Therefore, this replica Rolex watch is highly readable and has a unique design.

Fake Rolex Bracelet

Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial
Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 36mm Silver Dial

The strap can be said to be the most common design of this perfect cloned Rolex watch. The three-link strap is simple and strong. The strap after the polishing process looks smooth and natural. The strap is equipped with an elegant and practical crown buckle. The beauty of the watch strap is also revealed. The strap made of stainless steel is not only resistant to friction but also corrosion-resistant. In general, this strap is a quality-assured strap.

This exact copy Rolex watch is not only a very practical watch but also a very perfect decorative watch. A replica watch studded with diamonds can bring you enough aura and become the focus of everyone. The color and detailed timepieces of this watch are more suitable for young people. It can better reflect the vigor of young people. Do you like this watch?